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  • #2229

    Operation: Grand Utopia 44 Patchlog


    p class=”siteSub”>OGU Entertainment Ltd. OGU44.com/patchlog

    Wikipedia links:

    v0.2b.0p2 has been released for download it has some of the major Atavism features demoed, spell, ability and talent system renewed, along with a few other new systems implemented. In the next live period we’ll see a lot of content implemented and in the next version patch we will overhaul the world.

    v0.1b.42p35 has been released, it’s buggy as heck, but on the right track; Spell VFX have not yet been added to most spells and some character races do not work, they’ll be there in the next patch.
    —– NOTICE: [OGUv0.1b.43]: vBC+ATA have been delayed, but animations are being used via the native AnimatorController, A*Pathfinding Project Pro (ATA) has been imported and I played around with it for a bit, it will also be implemented most likely in 0.1b.43.
    v0.1b.42p33 has been released for download, some of the older versions have been deleted from OGUDC01 to save disk space, they are soon deprecated. You can expect a huge update also on the next patch for v0.1b.42pXX;

    v0.1b.42p31 includes vBC-Implementation, TC2-Implementation, R.A.M2019 Implementation (soon out!)
    Added First 30 Spells and a Spell-Template to Game Portal / Spells & Abilities -tab (in progress)
    0.40a2 I have managed to get some of the mob animals and characters animators to work properly with Atavism.
    0.40a1 I added all the animals to the npc/system excluding the fish, but I also included the half-human pack there. Watch out for the grizzly and raccoon I already spawned, not to mention the penguin house… I died there with one character..
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    Compatible client versions:

    Depricated client versions:
    [21.04.2023]-[v0.27a4] – LIVE SERVER OFFLINE
    [12.04.2023]-[v0.27a3] – LIVE SERVER OFFLINE
    [11.04.2023]-[v0.27a2] – LIVE SERVER OFFLINE

    [18.03.2023]-[OGURPG_net1] //Early netcode done by yours truely.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by OGU44.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by OGU44.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by OGU44.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by OGU44.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by - OGU44 SUPPORT -.
    • This topic was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by OGU44. Reason: v0.2b.0p3 incoming soon

    Stay tuned for latest implementations, coming soon!

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