VOTING POLL: IDEAS: FREE REWARDS-Registeration: 10 GGs-Logging In: 10 GGs (daily limit 1)-Publishing Content: 3 GGs (daily limit 1 per type of content)-Commenting on posts: 1 GGs (daily. read more…
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Server Status / Updates / Maintenance
Game Server Online (servers may experience issues due to in production development) Newest version available: v0.4.9 (use repair in launcher if it doesn’t update automatically) Join Discord to get up-to-date. read more…
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Patch v0.3b
Unity version updated to 2022.3Atavism Server and Game files versions updated to X.9 (VIEW FEATURES)Launcher and self updater available soon! Project was completely nuked and started from scratch, with these. read more…
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Support OGU44 Development
VOTING POLL: IDEAS: FREE REWARDS-Registeration: 10 GGs-Logging In: 10 GGs (daily limit 1)-Publishing Content: 3 GGs (daily limit 1 per type of content)-Commenting on posts: 1 GGs (daily. read more…
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House Cat A common household pet and often encountered nearby human settlements. Details MOB temlate ID(s): 10091, 10092, 10093Display name: Cat || Sub title: N/ASpecies: Cat || Subspecies: N/AMob type:. read more…
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New game prototype published, it has been inspired and influenced a lot by Trackmania and Elastomania. Download MopedManiaSupport MopedMania Development HOW TO PLAYDrive through all the Checkpoints and then into. read more…
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NPC Behaviors and Spawning
I am currently working on a concept that no longer requires permanent spawners for mobs, but rather in the start I’ll bake “God spawner” which takes in random profiles for. read more…
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Bugs and issues
Please search for solutions and report your findings here:
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Previous Character | Next Character Character: AngelController: 3rdPerson – [ATAvBC} Base Description Angels are divine deities, although their actual ranking in the hierarchy among gods is considered to be low.. read more…
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Suggestions and Feedback
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