Ring of Fire


Ability Type:
Damage Type:
Ability Pulse Time (s): 0.25
Ability Pulse Num: 1
Cast Time:
Channeling (Y/N) / Casting while running: (Y/N) / Skip Part of the Check (Y/N) / Stealth Reduce (Y/N)
Interruptible: (Y/N) / Is Toggle: (Y/N)


Effect Type: / Effect Sub Type:
Damage Property: / Damage Type: / Damage Amount: / Damage Modifier:
Transfer Rate: / Bonus Effect Req: / Bonus Damage Amount: / Damage Delay:
Skill Type: / Skill Mod: / Use Weapon: (Y/N)
Interruption Chance: / Interruption Chance Max. / Force Interruption: (Y/N)
Effect Tags: / Bonus Effects: / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Removed When Effect Removed: (Y/N)

Activation Requirements

Cost Type: / Cost: / Cost %:
Caster Effect: ExampleEffect / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Target Effect: ExampleEffect / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Reagent1: ExampleReagent1 / Count: 1 / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Reagent2: ExampleReagent2 / Count: 1 / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Reagent3: ExampleReagent3 / Count: 1 / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Consume cost/reagent On Activation: (Y/N)
Ammo Used: 0
Weapon: ExampleWeapon1, ExampleWeapon2, ExampleWeapon3
Target Type:
Target State:
Can Attack Building: (Y/N)
Target Species:
Min. Range: / Max. Range:
Require Target: (Y/N)
Require Facing Target: (Y/N)

Pulse Requirements

Cost Type: / Cost: / Cost %:
Caster Effect: ExampleEffect / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Target Effect: ExampleEffect / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Reagent1: ExampleReagent1 / Count: 1 / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Reagent2: ExampleReagent2 / Count: 1 / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Reagent3: ExampleReagent3 / Count: 1 / Is Consumed: (Y/N)
Consume cost/reagent On Activation: (Y/N)
Ammo Used: 0

Cooldown Attributes

Global Cooldown: (Y/N) / Weapon Cooldown: (Y/N) / Cooldown Type: / Duration (s):
Start Cooldown on Activation: (Y/N)
Target1: / Effect1 – Target6: / Effect6:

Coordinated Effects

Effect Event1: / Coord Effect1: – Effect Event5: / Coord Effect5: